
Our Innovative Features

Here’s what ReachMyTeach can do for your school.  Try it out for yourself – contact us for a free demo.   

Trusted By:

All-in-one platform for schools

Seamless Translation
Message via Text, Email, or WhatsApp
Add Teachers To a Message
Reach Home With a Call
On-Call Interpreters
Synced Data
Intuitive Interface
Customizable Student Groups
Scheduled Video Calls
Districtwide Alerts
Parent Portal

Seamless Translation

Change school communication from informational to relational.

  • Educators write in English. Guardians read and respond in their home language. Attached PDFs automatically translate as needed.
  • Educators get the message back in English.
  • ReachMyTeach offers options for reducing literacy and language barriers including text to speech and on-call interpreted video conferencing.

Message via Text, Email, or WhatsApp

Connect home with just one click.

  • Message parents in ways that are convenient for them: text, email, or WhatsApp.
  • Guardians can easily respond from their phone, allowing for direct communication.
  • Simplify communication – send a message and receive a response immediately.

Add Teachers to a Message

Without looking up schedules, keep everyone up to date.

  • All educators of a student success team, nurses, social workers, guidance counselors, have access to students.
  • Educators can add co-teachers or team members to any message, so everyone is on the same page.
  • ReachMyTeach makes it easy for all staff to successfully communicate to any class, grade level, or individual.

Reach Home With a Call

Reach guardians without the hassle of finding the right number.

  • Teachers can make calls directly in ReachMyTeach, by selecting the guardian and hitting “call”.
  • Calls are internally recorded, transcribed, and archived for security.
  • The outgoing number will be the number of the school, which will ensure you always get an answer.

On-Call Interpreters

When you need an interpreter there’s no wait.
  • Partnering with Lexikeet Language Services, be on a live video call with families and interpreters in seconds.
  • To ensure conversations about IEPs, health, and safety of students are of the highest quality on-call interpreters are there to help.
  • On-call interpreters are available for scheduled conferences or on-demand calls.

Synced Data

ReachMyTeach empowers educators to connect home by saving time.

  • Data is nightly synced with the Student Information System.
  • Educators have their class rosters with the most up to date information. Easy administrative oversight to school/district communications.
  • All communication is going through a secure school number.

Intuitive Interface

Get connecting faster, with an intuitive interface.

  • Teachers login easily with a one-click login.
  • Integration with Gmail allows educators to receive and respond to messages from their email.
  • Families and students can respond right from their preferred platform.

Customizable Student Groups

ReachMyTeach will fit the unique needs of your school.
  • Customize groups for clubs, advisory/homeroom, and other interventions to easily message students and their families.
  • All students are preloaded, simplifying setup for advisors, interventionists, and coaches.
  • Keep all programs running smoothly with convenient communication.

Scheduled Video Calls

IEP meetings and parent-teacher conferences just got easier.

  • Conveniently schedule IEPS, interpreted conferences, or video calls by suggesting available times for parents to choose from.
  • Appointments are automatically reserved on educators’ Google calendars. Parents receive a reminder text with the video call link 10 minutes before the meeting.
  • Streamline scheduling and make it easy for everyone to join video calls.

Districtwide Alerts

When it is important to update your whole community, ReachMyTeach has your back.

  • Efficiently reach all families over phone, email, and text for emergency closings or event updates.
  • Ensure no one is lost in translation for emergency alerts. Messaging will seamlessly translate.
  • Keep your community updated when it matters most.

Parent Portal

Parents can always respond right from their phone or email, or they can use the Parent Portal.

  • Easily initiate conversations with your students’ teachers.
  • Families have access to all educators supporting their students, as well as updates, on one simple interface.
  • Guardians can login with email or phone to access all communications – no app needed.

Like to learn more?  Any questions?


See what you can do with ReachMyTeach

We are the only messaging platform that has email, text, voice, whatsapp, and on-demand interpreters on one platform. The simple, intuitive interface of ReachMyTeach empowers educators and families to connect faster than the rest.

Competitors Us
Text messaging
Translation of message
Translation of documents
Ability to share all messages with other teachers/admin
Integration with SIS
Easy no training platform
Statistics and district oversight
Affordable district-wide messaging
Scheduled Video Calls
Accessible Audio messaging